
Roxanne Warthen
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." Mahatma Gandhi
Over the years my roles have been diverse. Each role has taught me critical skills that I carry forward. What is common among all of the roles is my involvement with training. Seeing the lightbulb turn on for someone energizes me. I have taught both technical & soft skills.

2020 was a year we won’t ever forget. It was a wakeup call about the fragility of life. Life insurance is something that always perplexed me. I used the extra time to learn about it as I looked at supplemental options. I had no idea there were LIVING benefits available. The more I learned the more I knew I needed to share the information. I took the step to get licensed as an agent. When I’m not being a CRM Superstar ★, I am helping folks plan for their future.

I like to uncomplicate material, which is why I think folks love my trainings 😊 I can help you decode life insurance.

Questions & Answers

What are some of your favorite books?
Freakonomics by Steven Levitt & Stephen Dubner
Originals by Adam Grant
True North by Bill George
What do you do for fun?
I enjoy concerts and travelling. I once went on a concert cruise for my favorite band, Boy II Men, it was amazing! Not only did I get to meet them and have a meaningful discussion, Shawn even serenaded me during one of the performances.
Something interesting about me....
In 2011 I had a memorable encounter with Al Pacino. He was in town doing a Q&A tour. My mom & I had VIP passes to meet him. I thought it would be a standard meet & greet process - not so much. Everyone who had a VIP pass seemed to be swarming him, it was a mob atmosphere. I was not going to fight my way to get to him so I stood on the side. My mom had a different idea. She pushed her way through the crowd and managed to get to him. As I'm watching in amazement, I suddenly hear a familiar voice hollering out "my baby!" It's my mom calling me to come meet Mr. Pacino with her, then I hear him say "where's your baby?" the crowd parts and there is my mom standing with "Tony Montana" motioning for me to come to them. In complete shock I make my way towards them and he says, "this is your baby?!" You can imagine his surprise to see a 30-something year old in front of him. Probably for one of the only times in my life I was speechless. He was so nice and posed for pictures and signed an autograph.
What's your favorite cause?
I've been involved with the world of Special Needs since the 80's. I am the proud aunt of a young man with downs syndrome. What my nephew has accomplished is truly inspirational. In elementary he landed his first spot in the Chronicle, in middle school he was the team mascot, in high school he earned a letter jacket and was picked as 2009 CyFalls prom king, as an adult he earned a black belt in tae kwon do, performed at the Jones Hall and has been in the Chronicle so many times that I lost count. Being around these special folks always puts a smile on my face.
What are your development areas?
Delegation - I would rather do something myself than delegate because I know it will be done the way it needs to be done and when I need it.

Political Savvy - I don't have the patience for office politics. I would rather focus on getting a job done then ponder whether someone might be offended. 

Work / Life Balance - Even if I won the lottery, I would continue to work. I would rather work late into the night knocking out small tasks so I can work on the bigger pay-off activities the next day. 

What are your strengths?
Versatility - I like to learn, because of this I enjoy exploring different functions and industries. I think it's pretty cool that I have a high level understanding of the oil drilling process and I also know the different parts of an AC unit.

Competitive - I like to win, to be the best. When I'm on a team, my goal is to help the team be the one that everyone else uses as a benchmark. 

People - Folks love to talk to me, and I like to listen! My very first job was as a waitress (5 years at the same small restaurant) it was there I learned everyone has a story to tell. I'm eager to listen as there is always something to learn.
What are 3 words that describe you?
Independent, Determined, Loyal


Houston, Texas

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